Something I really enjoy is discovering new coffee shops. Saturday morning I ventured out and ended up at "Mighty Cup" in downtown Glendale 🙂 I spent a few hours just reading my bible, journaling, and enjoying a delicious piece of lemon bunt cake. As I sat, getting infused with caffeine from my "mighty mocha", I reflected on the amazing ways I have seen God bring redemption into
my life and lives of many I know and love. Redemption beyond even the cross ( yet made possible because of the cross). God did not stop at forgiving our sins. He actively works in our lives to make us more like Jesus and redeems every chapter of our story, even our sins when we surrender them, to be used for His glorious plan. Here is an excerpt of the journal entry I wrote. A somewhat unorganized stream of thoughts
- No one's past is too rotten to be made new.
- No one's pain will be wasted.
- God cries with his children when they hurt- even though he knows the future and how everything will turn out.
- Jesus wept when his friend Lazarus died- even though he knew the miracle he was about to perform- Lazarus would live again!
When we are witness to the rottenness of life; to pain, hurt, and suffering, instead of asking "where is God?" and "why did he allow this to happen?" Shouldn't our response be, "Satan, evil, and our own sin bring such sad destruction and injustice! Thank you God you are making all things new!"
We often act like this fight against good and evil is being speared by one supernatural force: God. He either brings all good or it is his fault he doesn't prevent all evil. Why does suffering get us more upset at God than Satan? If my sister were to punch me, would I turn to my mom and demand, "why didn't you stop this??!!"
Why don't we blame Satan or our own sin nature for evil, wrong doing, and injustice?
God created us free– free to love and choose him; free to sin and reject Him. If He stepped in and prevented every injustice then our "freedom" would be a complete illusion. We are either puppets or we are free. With freedom comes greater joy, love, relationship and responsibility. With freedom also comes potential for great evil- which we can see corrupting our entire world.
Satan is real. Our own sin nature is real. We need to stop minimizing or ignoring these facts.
The Beautiful Hope: God has been and will continue actively working to bring full restoration and redemption to the world and His people.
A comment on Justice:
We think we deserve to see justice- see God's wrath against those who have wronged us or wronged others we love. “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord" (Deut. 32:35). He will bring justice and restoration in His time. We do not deserve to see justice. We deserve to humbly forgive those who wrong us. " Forgive each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" ( Eph. 4:32). The Almighty God forgives us. Forgiveness is what we give to others- not judgment.
Judgment– God's Job
Forgiveness– Our Job
Keep a kingdom perspective:
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
Persevere my friends!
Got to love the coffee buzz and revelations…. great word!
I am hopefully envisioning us discovering new coffee shops (among other things!) together :).
When I read these..I feel like we are in Madsen having conversations. haha. I’m so proud of your growth and how you’ve let God work redemption in your own heart and life. I am SO excited for you! 🙂
I love your conclusion! Profound and true – and convicting!
I love your conclusion! Profound and true – and convicting!
So enjoyed this…a gentle welcome into a deep and freeing truth, “The Beautiful Hope: God has been and will continue actively working to bring full restoration and redemption to the world and His people.”
Love to you,