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So here I am, Phnom Penh, Cambodia! I feel like I have been telling people for so long, "I'm about to go to Cambodia, I leave on August 28th." And now it's August 30th and I'M HERE! It's hard to put into words how I feel at this moment. Right now I just feel normal. Soaking everything in and eager to learn so so much! 


The journey to now:

  •  I spent my last night in AZ among many of my closest friends and family. The support and encouragement I received made me feel truly honored and incredibly blessed. There was a lot of laughing and hugs and, of course no sleep. I got home around 1 a.m.and began running around to finish packing. At 3:30 a.m.Jordan and I finally got my suitcases to meet the weight restriction of 50 pounds. The alarm was set for 4:15 a.m.and suddenly the reality of leaving set in through an unexpected burst of tears. It was the first time any tears had come and I'm sure I was more surpised by them than Jordan. He hugged me and spoke words of truth and reassurance; I felt strenghtened to go. 5 a.m. came quickly and breakfast was ready. I said goodbye to my dad then Joey, mom, Jordan and I left for the airport. We arrived and went through my last round of goodbyes. Just before going through the airport doors I looked back one last time and saw Jordan roll down the window and say I love you. The perfect way to say goodbye. "Ok, Lord. It's time. I'm all in." 
  • I slept pretty much the entire way to Seattle, where I met up with the rest of my team. 2:00 p.m. onSunday we boarded our plane and prepared for an 11 hour flight to Seoul, Korea. It was very strange because as soon as we got on the plane we were treated as if we were already on Korean time, which is 16 hours ahead of AZ. Sunday night was literally skipped and I was told that it was Monday morning. I guess my body believed it because I hardly felt tired and the sun continued to shine brightly out my window. I watched "Legends of the Fall" and "Water for Elephants", played tetris and solitaire, read my bible, and I felt like every hour I was getting served another meal or snack. It was actually a very enjoyable plane ride

  •  We arrived in the Incheon airport, got infused with coffee- thanks to Starbucks which seems to be taking over the world one coffee addicted person at time- and boarded our final plane. Destination: Phnom Penh! The flight was 5 hours and I was definitely feeling more restless during these hours. 

What a joyful entry when we were welcomed by the wonderful team of four, who have been living in Cambodia since last October. Stephanie, Elise, Meredith and Amarja. We got to our house, chose our rooms and began settling in.


  • This morning I was awoken by the sound of roosters andconstruction work. The new sounds of home. I actually felt quite refreshed. It's a strange feeling because there is so much I don't know, yet I am eager to learn. A few of us ventured out to the Russian market, a few blocks from our house. You can pretty much find anything and everything here! It's completely different, yet feels quite normal all at the same time. I suppose it's because the city is filled with people; and while our skin may look different and we speak a different language, the core of who we are as God-created beings creates a unity that transcends differences

Right now I am with Laura and Lauren at Jars of Clay– a coffee shop that I think will become a special oasis. We discovered that this coffee shop also helps women who need to provide for their families and has helped women coming out of sex trafficking. They seek to share the love of Jesus with these women and show them the way of hope. Wow, thank you Lord for bringing us to this place!

I just keep reminding myself that right now I am a LEARNER. I am not expected to know everything now. I have time. Take it moment by moment and soak it all in. 

"Lord, help me to give you an undivided heart. Do your thing. I'm excited to see you just blow me away like you always do."

14 responses to “Beginning Life in Phnom Penh”

  1. SO excited to finally hug you and BE with you!!! im glad you discovered jars today – it’s a great place!!! see you in the morning!! =)

  2. So glad you are there. Amazing that God is already connecting you with others who share the same desire. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Praise the Lord for safe travels!!! I thought about you off and on while I knew you were traveling. You are loved and you’re gonna impact your new “world” in tremendous ways!!

  4. This reminds me of our first weekend in Atlanta, but obviously much, much bigger. I’m so happy for you!!

  5. Oh Jenny, I am so excited for you!! I’m at school right now after a long day…trying to think of the words that my heart want to tell you but…nothing is coming out haha. (Just think back to my first few days of student teaching when I “became mute after school” haha) Good thing you know my heart ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love you so much and I am so proud of you and what you are doing!!!

  6. These words your write are so encouraging to me. I am so privileged to be dating someone like you. Jenny you have so much of Gods heart keep sharing it with the world.

  7. Dear Jenny,

    Praise the Lord, sounds like you had a great travel experience and have been blessed already with a great place to have coffee and fellowship with other believers. Isn’t God sooooo good! LOVE all the pictures, please keep them coming, it’s so nice to be able to “see” the home you’re living in and experience the culture through pictures.

    Praying for you!
    Love, Kathy

  8. I love that you always remember to take pictures!

    and I love how you walk in freedom.

    and … i just love you. period.

  9. I love what Jordan said – that’s the way I feel, Jenny! I love you so much, and I’m so happy and proud of you. I’m thinking about you all the time! I miss you!

  10. Mom- I’m glad that you feel privileged to be dating someone like me ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love you!

  11. Hi Jenny, we have never met, but I heard about your mission through a mutual friend (a new friend to me), Rebecca. Like Rebecca, I am moved by your faithfulness and servanthood. It is an honor to be a small part of supporting God’s work through you by contributing to AIM. I will be praying for you as well and hope that when you return to Arizona we will be able to meet; I would love to hear about your time in Cambodia. May God protect, inspire, lead, and encourage you. May HIs love, peace, joy, and truth overflow from you as you serve on this mission. Blessings to you, Dennis

  12. Oops! I guess I did miss some blogs while I was lost in the craziness of Paul’s party preparations and out of town guests! Like usual I was confused:-) it sounds like you are adjusting very well so far! That is one of the things we are praying for, that you will adjust to the place and to the culture quickly. That is so cool how the coffee shop you happened to go to is run by a Christian organization with similar outreach as your group! Truly amazing! Now you don’t ever have to feel guilty about buying coffee!:-) BTW, isn’t the Incheon airport amazing? And it’s funny b/c on my flight to Korea I felt like all they did was feed us as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Ha ha! I just read jordan’s comment, your mom’s, and your response comment to your mom. Too funny!:-)