
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As Laura and I were running, our arms swinging back and forth driving us forward, I thought about how strange body parts would look if they weren’t “normal”. For example; what if it wasn’t normal to have two arms or any arms at all? If it was normal for humans not to have any arms, and one day I met someone with two arms, I would probably look at them with extreme disgust and curiosity. “Ewe, that person has two really long branches of skin coming out of their sides!” I mean, really, it would probably appear grotesque! But that is only because I would be accustomed to human beings not having arms at all.

These thoughts caused me to flashback to pictures I had seen at the Vietnam War Remnants museum in Vietnam back in October. The pictures were of children who had been affected by the poisonous gas bombs dropped by the U.S during the war. Men and women who were exposed to this gas had children born with extreme deformities. I was horrified when I saw these pictures. I never knew that a person could survive and live with such deformities. I never knew that the human body could create such extreme and “abnormal” mutations.

Next, my mind flashed to scenes from “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Our team had recently watched this movie, and of course Narnia is a land full of “abnormal”, yet wonderful creatures. I thought of Tumnus, the fawn. Body of a man, legs of an animal, and two horns coming out of his head. He becomes a beloved character in the story, yet what would it be like if I saw Tumnus in the U.S today? (or anywhere in the world really.) It would be like seeing a person with 2 arms if you are accustomed to not having arms at all.
Then this question came into my head: I wonder if those men and women who were affected by the poisonous gas, if the men and women born with extreme deformities actually more closely resemble heavenly beings than my own “normal” body? The one head, 2 arms, 2 legs, torso model of a being may only represent one small class of created beings in God’s country. Isn’t that why C.S. Lewis creates so many types of beings in the world of Narnia? Because our God is not limited to one cookie cutter mold? I find myself pitying these people because they don’t get to look like me and experience some of the things in life that I deem to be what make life great, yet perhaps my vision is just stuck in one tiny ruby amidst a galaxy of jewels. I am not trying to minimize some of the devastating affects that resulted from the gas bombs and from the deformities themselves. I am trying to expand my understanding of a big God who is not restricted by our limited vision and perspective of “normalcy”.

Revelation 4:6-8
  “In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“Holy, holy, holy
 is the Lord God Almighty,’
 who was, and is, and is to come.”

Creatures covered in eyes, some with 6 wings also covered in eyes?? EWE! Honestly, that sounds so strange and unattractive to me, but why? Because I have two eyes and I have never seen a person with more than two eyes. God is going to blow my mind when He introduces me to all of his creation! So, next time I meet someone who looks a little different from the “standard” human, I need to give thanks! Perhaps, I have been given the privilege of meeting a Heavenly being.

4 responses to “Enter My Brain At Your Own Risk”

  1. This kind of goes along with my thoughts recently of not leaning on my own understanding but leaning upon the wisdom of God. Sometimes, even though my own understanding may be accurate with the knowledge currently available to me, there may be additional truth from God’s holy and complete perspective that is not currently available to me that would change what is actually best and true eternally. I think in politics we see this very blatantly as people on all sides give strong and deriding opinions toward the other side, when often only generations later, are the true, fuller revelations exposed as to what would have actually been God’s wisdom for that age.

    Thank you for your thoughts, Jenny! I like the fact that God decided to make you the way He did, and that He gave you long arms as a slight advantage for running fast! And most of all, that He gave you His heart!

  2. Reading this post reminded me of the time you spent the day at the river and the Lord gave the revelations about his love and Toul Sleng. I love how God teaches you and how you love him with every part of you, especially your mind! Thank you for allowing us to enter your mind. It was a wonderful risk worth taking and absolute treasures and encouragement were found there!

    Blessings over you today bong Jenny.

  3. Jenny,
    This was wonderful…especially, “Isn’t that why C.S. Lewis creates so many types of beings in the world of Narnia? Because our God is not limited to one cookie cutter mold?”

    I love watching your life unfold – even from a distance. You are beautiful.